

英漢字典: run off

1. escape; run away 逃走

    The enemy soldiers ran off at night. 敵軍夜裡逃走了。

    The man has run off with all the funds. 那人帶了全部款子逃跑了。

2. make or print(copies)印制;印刷

    When you've finished typing this letter,could you run off four copies for me,please?這封信你打完後請幫我印4份好嗎?

    Has the article been run off yet?這篇文章印好了沒有?

3. dash off;recite or compose rapidly 匆匆完成;快速地背出或寫出

    He's a remarkable writer ;he can run off a novel a week. 他是位才華出眾的作家,能在一週內趕寫出一部小說。

    He can run off the list from memory. 他能把清單倒背如流。

4. allow to flow away 使流掉

    There isn't much wine left in the bottle just run it off. 瓶裡的酒剩下不多了,全部倒光吧。

    They ran off the excess liquid. 他們把多餘的液體排掉了。

    The scolding ran off him like water off a duck's back. 責備對他毫無作用,就好比水澆在鴨背上,瞬間就流掉了。

5. cause(a match,a tournament,etc. )to be played to a finish 使(比賽等)賽完;進行決賽以決定(比賽等的)勝負

    They ran off the heats and selected their representatives for the big competition. 為了選出參加這次大賽的代表,他們進行了預賽。

    When will the race be run off? 該項比賽的決賽什麼時候進行?

6. drive off 攆走;趕走;逐出

    The boy saw a dog digging in mother's flower bed,and he ran it off. 這男孩看到一條狗在媽媽的花壇上亂扒,就把它趕走了。

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